Autumn Community Cleanse

Kitchari, a staple in Ayurvedic diet, is a simple and delicious dish that helps ease digestive symptoms, nourish the gut microbiome, reduces inflammation, and pulls excess fats and toxins from the body. 

Here we are, in the throws of Autumn’s official beginning later this week and at my house, the weather is singing its praises. Early this morning the rain began to fall and as, off and on, continued throughout the day. With the very late summer rain comes cooler temps and a feeling of security that brings great comfort. All that said, with autumn comes a great shift in the body that requires our attention in order to sustain the great comfort often found in the changing of seasons.

Cooler temps, lighter air and a change in the color of the leaves signal similar changes inside the body, primarily with the digestive fire, referred to as agni. As the weather changes, the fire in our gut changes, too. It weakens, making digestive issues more apparent and likely to occur. With weakened agni we often experience reduced vitality (anyone feeling more tired than usual?) and perhaps more gas or bloating. And if that’s not enough, with less agni we also have a more difficult time ridding the body of unwanted toxins. Undigested food in the system leads to sluggishness, bloating, lowered immunity and stagnation.

Ayurveda reminds us to offer the body extra support during this process by engaging in seasonal cleanse. One of the reasons Autumn cleanse is so helpful is that it helps us transition to more stable routines after a summer of travel and play, allowing us to sink into rituals and practices that are beneficial to the body just in time to stabalize for the vata season, which is a time of more movement and change in the air. It can be difficult to find the time and energy to ground in each and every day and so giving this attention the body is an extra special way to give love to mind, body and soul.

Ayurvedic cleanse is about more than moving stagnation and eating a specific diet for a few days. It is about nourishment, self-awareness and embracing foods, daily practices and herbs that leave you feeling and looking your best. And when you cleanse with Om Maitri and our community, it is about education, communal support, and a soft place to land where we find just what is right for our bodies.

This years community cleanse begins on October 21st, with our first community meeting on October 15th at 7pm mountain time. In this meeting we will discuss all the ways you can prepare for your cleanse and help lay a strong foundation for determining the best approach for YOU!

Cleanse includes:

  • 4 Virtual Community Meetings (7pm mountain time), All recorded for your convenience

  • A guidebook with recipes, daily practices and education about cleanse and Ayurveda

  • Daily encouragement emails

  • Direct contact with Cleanse Leader, Britney, for ongoing questions and support

  • Daily meditations

***NEW THIS SEASON: Guidance in purging techniques to up your game and reduce specific digestive symptoms.

Cleanse dates: (Note: All meetings are recorded and information available virtually in case you would like to cleanse on different dates.)

  • Pre-Cleanse: October 21-22

  • Mono-Diet: October 23-27

  • Post-Cleanse: October 28-30


RESET 2025
