Ojas - Essence of Life
According to Ayurveda, there is a precious substance in the body, ojas, which is responsible for the quality of our mood, sleep, digestion, vitality, resiliency, digestion, immunity, and physical strength. Ojas regulates the rate at which we age and, I like to refer to it as our superpower. It enhances our gifts, it builds strong bodies and strong character, and allows us to experience the joy that our world has to offer. Low ojas can make it difficult to ground into the Divine nature of life.
When I think of ojas, I think of a warm, milky, creamy, sweet substance that envelopes me with grace, providing comfort, peace, ease and familiarity.
When a person is experiencing ample ojas, this becomes obvious by the state of the skin, the glow in the eyes, their immune strength, the clarity of their mind and their strong presence. However, when in a depleted state, a person experiences high stress, illness, poor sleep or digestion (or both) and sometimes anxiety, overwhelm, self-consciousness, exhaustion and more.
Ojas is built through our lifestyle, our diet, and our sleep habits. Ancient text reminds us that the digestive process takes 30 days, from start to finish. Our food, in that time, provides essential nutrients to the deep tissues and layers of the body, contributing to the production of our 7 tissue layers. When healthy, whole foods are digested well, ojas is the end result. The nutrients and the energetic qualities of the foods act as a nectar for our bodies. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced and high stress society, with the inclusion of high tech use and poor sleep, this process of digestion is often interrupted. Much like the chicken or the egg scenario, poor digestion leads to a lack of ojas and a lack of ojas leads to poor digestion and dis-ease in the body, the mind and eventually, the spirit.
Ojas is the first thing to be created in the body of all living beings. It is ghee colored and it tastes like honey.
~ Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 17.74
One of the most effective ways to increase the body’s ability to build ojas is to cleanse with the seasonal shift. When we rid the body of accumulated toxins that get in the way of health digestion and recommit to meaningful practices to support our highest health, we create a healthy environment for ojas to exist and grow. Not only does this improve health over a long period of time, but it allows us to see through milky eyes of abundance, peace, joy and comfort.
Some ways you can build ojas are:
Activities and projects that bring joy, even if joy is the only outcome
Service to others
Meditation and Breathing exercises
Time in Nature
Healthy, whole food diets with limited processed foods
Sleeping early and waking with the sun
Seasonal Cleansing (Check out our Autumn Ayurvedic Cleanse, community centered and coming up soon!
One of my favorite ojas building practices is a nightly ojas increasing tonic.
Ojas Increasing Tonic
This morning tonic is great for vata types to start their day and for all as. we prepare to enter vata season. It flushes toxins, strengthens the digestion, improves absorption, and promotes healthy elimination. The ashwaganda powder increases energy levels during the day and promotes sound sleep at night, reduces anxiety, and calms a restless mind.
12 ounces water
1 t molasses
¼ t ground ginger
½ t ashwaganda powder
½ t ghee
1 t honey
1. Pour the hot water into a mug.
2. Add the molasses, ginger, ashwaganda, and ghee. Stir well.
3. Allow to cool slightly. Once it is drinkable temperature, stir in honey.
4. Enjoy first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
*To alleviate insomnia symptoms, replace the water with warm milk or almond milk and drink 30 minutes before bed.
Questions about cleansing? Email britney@ommaitri.com for questions about seasonal cleanse, community cleanse and deep cleanse.