RESET 2024
As much as we love to enjoy all the things the holiday season has to offer, it can leave us feeling a little “off.” Whether its digestive discomfort, difficulty with sleeping, increased inflammation, trouble getting back into your workout groove, feeling off your schedule or even carrying a few extra pounds, RESET is a great way to boost the metabolism, improve sleep, increase vitality and possibly shed a few extra pounds.
We will meet virtually (schedule below) 4 times to make sure your questions are answered and you feel confident and prepared for each day of the RESET. Keep in mind, however, that you can adjust the schedule as needed to suit your life. Virtual meetings are recorded (in case you cannot attend) and are not required.
This program provides simple recipes and guided steps for a quick RESET protocol to support the metabolism. Supplemental support is optional and Om Maitri offers reduced prices on some supplements that may be helpful to increase the effects of your program.
January 7-10 (or choose the dates that are ideal for you!)
January 7 @ 9am MT
January 8 @ 6:30pm MT
January 9 @ 6:30pm MT
January 10 @ 6:30pm MST
Virtual meetings daily for support (recorded in case our schedule doesn’t match yours!)
Simple daily protocol (food + cleanse protocol)
Optional supplemental support (Om Maitri is closing out some supplements and that means DISCOUNTS for you!)
Register soon for adequate time to prepare your environment, procure supplies, and get in the ZONE!
* According to one study, participants lost an average of 11 pounds during this 4 day process.
For an extra special treat, consider RESET PLUS for Utah residents and add 3 (or more) uniquely designed Body Healing Sessions. PLUS Om Maitri will provide your prepared cleanse foods with a digestive tea each day. Contact or test 435.705.8554 for RESET PLUS!
Cost dependent on choice of Body Healing Treatments
Results are not guaranteed
This program and other information provided by Om Maitri Ayurveda are not intended to replace medical advice